Intermittent Fasting – does it help Weight Loss?

By Maggie Zeng, UC Davis Nutrition Peer Counselor The concept of intermittent fasting continues to grow in popularity; people tout the effect of fasting on weight loss or even report it boosts their mood. There are many versions of intermittent fasting, including the “16/8 method”, “5:2 diet”, and “Eat-Stop-Eat”, among others.  Is there any evidenceContinue reading “Intermittent Fasting – does it help Weight Loss?”

Serving Sizes: a visual guide

By Rebekah Shulman, Dietitian Assistant  When’s the last time you measured out half a cup of ice cream, ate exactly 15 chips, or leveled out two tablespoons of peanut butter? You may be surprised about what a serving of these common foods actually looks like.  While using measuring utensils and counting calories isn’t necessary toContinue reading “Serving Sizes: a visual guide”

Meal Prep Tips

  By Jessica Bonilla,  Dietitian Assistant Meal prepping can be very practical and beneficial, especially when you are in a rush and don’t have time to be cooking every time you go home. By meal prepping you can avoid the temptation of buying fast food or low-nutrient snacks and stop compulsive eating behaviors when you’reContinue reading “Meal Prep Tips”

Energy Drinks: What are the health risks?

By Rebekah Shulman, Dietitian Assistant Energy drinks are commonly used by busy college students as an easy source of caffeine. While they can help you to stay alert and focused throughout the day and night, it is important to understand the safe dosage and health effects of energy drink consumption. Next to multivitamins, energy drinksContinue reading “Energy Drinks: What are the health risks?”

Does Eating really fix the problem?

Source: OcusFocus/Getty Images By: Vivian Siu, Healthy Aggies Nutrition Intern Why do we eat? Besides the obvious reason that we need fuel to keep us healthy and moving, we eat because food is yummy. There’s a form of happiness that comes from eating a warm, fudgy brownie. Eating is also important during celebrations, reunions, orContinue reading “Does Eating really fix the problem?”

National Nutrition Month 2018!

By: Johanna Yao, Healthy Aggies intern “I am going to eat healthier starting tomorrow,” I say for the hundredth time this quarter after I feel sick indulging in a bunch of Girl Scouts Cookies. We tend to have these bursts of motivation to become healthier after days of bad eating, however motivation is often lostContinue reading “National Nutrition Month 2018!”

Sustaining Your New Year’s Resolution

By Jackie Ahern It’s a little over a week into 2018: a perfect time to reflect on the successes and struggles of those pesky New Year’s resolutions we all seem to make. For those of you that have stuck to your goal of going to the gym more often, or eating more leafy greens, congratulations!Continue reading “Sustaining Your New Year’s Resolution”

I don’t have time…

    By:  Jackie Ahern, Nutrition Peer Counselor, Fitness and Wellness, UC Davis “I don’t have time to…” fill in the blank with whatever old New Year’s resolution or healthy habit you’ve been wanting to implement in your life. Think: exercise, meal prep, take baths, or catch up with a friend. I find myself sayingContinue reading “I don’t have time…”

A Supervisor Guides You Through the CoHo at UC Davis

    By:  Jackie Ahern, Nutrition Peer Counselor, Fitness and Wellness Center, UC Davis Every visit to the Coffee House seems to feel like an obstacle course. Do you wait in a 20 minute line just to wait another 15 for a latte? Should you get a salad? But the pizza line is pretty short…Continue reading “A Supervisor Guides You Through the CoHo at UC Davis”