Lavender Lemonade 

Ingredients: 2 Cups Boiling Water 1 Cup Lavender Flowers 2 Cups Cold Water 1 Cup Lemon Juice Preparation: 1. Place lavender in a pitcher and pour boiling water over the lavender. Cover with plastic wrap and steep 10 minutes. 2. Strain lavender from water, then return water to the pitcher. 3. Add cold water, lemonContinue reading “Lavender Lemonade “

Healthy Summer BBQ

Sometimes I forget why I like summer, especially with temperatures rising to 106 degrees. But then I remember how much I like warm nights, barbeques, fireworks, outdoor activities, the beach, oh and did I mention barbeques? There’s no better way to enjoy summer than being able to grill up anything and everything. From fruits toContinue reading “Healthy Summer BBQ”