Sweet and Sour Japanese Eggplant Bruschetta

Ingredients: 4 Japanese Eggplants Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1 White Onion 4 Tablespoons Honey ½ Cup Vinegar ½ Cup Tomato Sauce 1 Medium Ball of Fresh Mozzarella 1 French Baguette Salt and Pepper to taste Preparation: 1. Sauté peeled and thinly sliced Japanese eggplant in olive oil; reserve. 2. In the same skillet cook thinlyContinue reading “Sweet and Sour Japanese Eggplant Bruschetta”

Healthy Summer BBQ

Sometimes I forget why I like summer, especially with temperatures rising to 106 degrees. But then I remember how much I like warm nights, barbeques, fireworks, outdoor activities, the beach, oh and did I mention barbeques? There’s no better way to enjoy summer than being able to grill up anything and everything. From fruits toContinue reading “Healthy Summer BBQ”